2002 Special Events & Happenings
Smoke Rise Ranch Resort
please check back often, upcoming events for 2003, will be added soon !

Pre-Season Tune Up
April 5-7 2002
3 Day Team Penning Clinic, come and be weeks ahead of your competition!
$60.00 per day, per person
Ohio Spring Classic
April 19-21, 2002
$2000.00 Added
(required number of teams must regester)
Friday, 19th
9:00 a.m.  Cattle Drive
Saturday, 20th
11:00 a.m. Open
7:00   p.m.  Dinner & Dance
Sunday, 21st
11:00 a.m. Sorting
Brent Semingson Horsemanship Clinics
" John Lyons Certified Trainer"
April 26-28    June 21-23    August 16-18
  A Three Day Horsemanship Clinic
These clinics will focus on troubled horses, colt starting, round pen reasoning,
spook in place , etc. Now accepting a limited number of participants
Call for more information
Moonlight Ride & Prime Rib Dinner
Saturday April 27, 2002
Come join us for a hearty Prime Rib Dinner, with all the trimmings,
followed by a two hour, enchanting moonlight ride through the
rolling hills of Smoke Rise Ranch Resort.
Dinner starts at 7 p.m. and costs $15.00 per person
The Ride begins at 9:00p.m. bring your own horse, or rent one of
ours, (2 hr rental fee is $45.00 per person)
Memorial Day Weekend
May 24-27, 2002
9:00 a.m. 
Cattle Drive


Team Penning /
Cutting Clinic

11:00 a.m
Team Penning

Prime Rib Dinner &


Sunday, 26th
10:30 a.m.
Team Sorting

Tour The Ranch Trail Ride

3:00 p.m.
Fun Day Ranch Rodeo

7:00 p.m. Dinner &

10:30 a.m.
Team Roping
Versatility Stock Horse Competition
( AQHA Rules Will Apply)


20 Mile Trail Ride
Sunday June 23rd
Bring your own horse or rent one of ours! Ride begins at 10:00 a.m.
4th of July "Cowboy Christmas" Weekend
July 4-7, 2002
Thursday, 4th
Cattle Drive


Friday, 5th
9:00 a.m.
Team Penning &
Cutting Clinic

Team Penning

7:00p.m. Prime Rib
Dinner & Dance


Saturday, 6th
Team Sorting

11:00a.m. "Tour D
Ranch" Trail Ride

3:00p.m. Fun Day
Ranch Rodeo

7:00p.m. Dinner &

Sunday, 7th
10:30a.m. Team
Roping / Versatility 
Stock Horse
( AQHA rules apply)


Six Days In The Saddle
July 28 thru Aug 3
Come experience the "West" like you've never experienced it before!
Package includes: Half and Full Day guided trail rides, fun day
activities for the whole family, Roping, Team Roping, Cattle Sorting,
Dances, Live Entertainment, Meals and much more !!
Package Prices:
six days of camping or cabin rental (min.4 people per cabin) $200.00 per person
Half Week is $130.00 per person, kids age 4-12 is $140.00 for full week per child.
children 3 and under are free !
Horse Rental is not included in any package. Call early to reserve your
Cabin or Horses (they go fast!)
Buckaroo Team Roundup / Western Flea Market
August 9-11,2002
Dont Miss This One !!! Bring Any Ranch/Tack/Horse Related Items You Want To Sell
Friday 9th
Cattle Drive
Saturday 10th
Team Doctoring 1st Round
( roping )
Walk, Trot Rule, No Loping

Team Ranch Penning
(four man team)

First Two Rounds of Team
Versatility Ranch Horse 
( four man team) , two man teams compete on Sunday

7:00 p.m.
Dinner and Dance

Sunday 11th
Team Doctoring 2nd Round

2nd Two Rounds Team
Versatility Ranch Horse
Competition (4 man teams)
and two man team competition

Draw Pot Team Doctoring
( teams drawn, anyone can enter twice / no duplicate teams. $30.00 per man, 50% pot payback)

Labor Day Weekend All Around 
August 30 - September 2, 2002
Friday 30th
Cattle Drive
Saturday 31st
Team Penning /
Cutting Clinic

Team Penning

Prime Rib Dinner
& Dance

Sunday Sept 1st
Team Sorting

Tour D Ranch
Trail Ride

3:00p.m. Fun Day
Ranch Rodeo

7:00p.m. Dinner &

Monday Sept. 2nd
Team Roping

Versatility Stock/
Ranch Horse 
( following AQHA rules and guidelines).

Overnight Ride/Pack Trip
September 20-22, 2002

Get yer campin gear ready... saddle up yer horse and join us for a 3 hour trail ride,
to the perfect camp! Sit around the campfire and tell stories or sing ole cowboy
songs, while we prepare for you, a western style dinner, unlike any you have
ever tasted... Nothing is better than sleeping under the stars and listening
to the nightsounds and waking up to the smell of cowboy coffee and a
griddle full o vittles!
Fee is $45.00 per person, per night. Bring your own horse, or rent one of ours
for an additional fee of $110.00 per night. Choose to stay for 1 night or
plan to stay the whole weekend... it's up to you !

20 Mile Trail Ride
Saturday October 12th, 2002
Bring your own horse or rent one of ours... Ride begins at 10:00a.m.
Fall Round Up
October 25-27, 2002
Friday 25th
Cattle Drive
Saturday 26th
Team Penning / Cutting 

Team Penning

Prime Rib Dinner & Dance

Sunday 27th

Team Sorting

7th Annual Ranch Horse Sale
November 9th, 2002
Sale Begins At 11:00 A.M.
Ranch horses, stock and tack, hot concessions !
Ranch and Stock horses will be shown on cattle in the following events!
performance, penning, cutting, sorting, barrels and roping.
Consignments Accepted
($20.00 consignment fee-5%of Sale)
Please Check Back To This Events Page Often
We Are Continually Adding To & Updating This Page !
All Smoke Rise Ranch events are designed for the enjoyment of  our guests. All beginners are encouraged to participate
During event weekends, cabins are limited and most are reserved several months in advance, so be sure and call early to reserve yours.
Team Pennings and Sortings, will run in this order-
Open, Practice, Novice, Draw Pot and Jack Pot
$200.00 added (up to the first 20 teams) to Open Pennings and Sortings.
$100.00 additional added to Open for each additional 10 teams

Awards given for Top Novice, Top Penner, Top Roper, Top Sorter, Top Speed, Top Youth Speed
Buckles will be given to the High Point Champion at the end of each show